Steam Engine- Working Model
Thank you very much for that Extremely educational model! Jackson. I have worked on a Chaff Cutter that was powed by a Steam Traction Engine and have also been in a Sawmill powered by a Statonary Steam Engine, which looked like a Traction Engine sans wheels. The mill is still working in Southland, about 150Km from here and is still paying its way and feeding itself off the waste timber.You obviosly know afair bit about steam engines by the detail that you have put into the model and at last I can show my Grandkids how a steam engine works in a way that they will have fun while learning, after all learning should be fun. I am a bit worried about the axel wearing though as I can't see any oilers or grease pots on the bearings.
(I had to put that in to show that I was observant :egrin: )
Can you build any machinery for it to drive? It would be fantastic to be able to couple different machines to her. What is her name? An engine that has been built with such loving care must have a name. I'm looking forward in anticipation to any more working models you may construct. I think that using SketchyPhysics to build 'real life machinery is a very good use for the plugin and that Chris will be proud to see his script being put to such good use.
Please keep up the good work Jackson.
Cheers Bill.
PS. My brand new grandson has been given Jackson as his first name. -
I don't know what to say, but lets just say I grinned from ear to ear when I read your post! I kind of hoped another steam engineering enthusiast might like to finish it or add some machinery, but no luck yet.....
however...... your wonderful comments got me fired up (groan) again and I've been doing a bit more work on it. By a stroke of very good luck I've been surveying a derelict Victorian woollen mill this week for my day job and lo and behold- it still had some of the running gear for the old looms in place fixed to the floor beams! There was even a perfectly intact leather belt on one of the pulleys. So I've stripped the mill model down to one floor (the whole thing is copyright) and plonked the steam engine in it with the intention of modelling up some running gear. I will have to draw the line at modelling looms though- I'd like to model some other machinery such as metal or woodworking tools, but it's actually surprisingly difficult to find reference photos or drawings online.
You'll be pleased to know I've added oil pots to the bearings!
They were based on grease injected modern bearings, but your excellent bit of observation got me studying photos of steam engines a bit more closely so I've remodelled the bearings to make them look a bit more original complete with oil pots.
Best regards,
Jacksonp.s. your grandson chose an excellent name!
Where is the SKP model avaible?
I updated the link, it works now.
Many thanks!!!
very nice work!
Nice model!
Excellent model!
Seeing that brings tears to my eyes.
I am having so much difficulty getting my landing gear demo to work properly.
How did you achieve the joint stability? Mine is all loosy-goosy and unstable.
such a nice model! and that with only 4 hinges good job