Resize model/entity
It would be nice, when using the measure tool to resize something, if you had the option to resize just the object(s) chosen or the entire model (rather than just the entire model, as it is now).
Daniel, make a group or component out of what you want to resize Then edit it and use the measure tool to resize. It will resize only what is in the active group or component.
But yes, the option to resize only what you have selected would be handy (with the measure tool that is).
This is one of those hidden secrets that you find only if you keep up with the forum or read su manuals. Also did you know that you can scale in the x,y,z direction to an actual size, i.e. say you make a box a random size, just group it double click, select all, activate scale command, pull grip in any direction, don't worry about scale at this point, now look at vcb box, say you want you cube (or any object,cube in this example) to be 1'x3'x5'. Enter w/o quotes "1',3',5'" in VCB box, where 1' = x direction, 2'= y direction and 5'= z direction. you can change this info dynamically as long as you do not enter a another command:fro:
thanks a lot Boofredlay and lapx!
these are both such cool tricks. I didnt know either of them.
thats one of the moments, when I know, why I visit this forum every day!!!