Thanks Dave, I tried the purge command as you suggested and it worked on both 'Project Title' and the 'TLR Logo'!
Identically I've been looking online at other planning applications and I think mine are the only ones in colour & 3D. I don't know if the planning officer agree's but I think 3D ads so much more, I prefer mine to those produced by the architects, and I had fun doing it

Latest posts made by Real_Tool
RE: Export to PDF & 'PROJECT TITLE' & 'TLR LOGO' reappear.
Export to PDF & 'PROJECT TITLE' & 'TLR LOGO' reappear.
I'm using Sketchup 8.0.16846 to design an extension on my house and send the drawing in A3 PDF format to my local UK planning officer. When I send to LayOut (3.0.16846) I choose 'A3 Landscape', I then delete the words 'PROJECT TITLE' in the bottom left hand corner and put my own project title, and delete the 'TLR Your logo here' as I don't have my own logo. They disappear fine in LayOut but then reappear super imposed over and obscuring my text when I export to PDF. This obviously makes my text difficult to read, and doesn't look so professional when making a planning application. Has anyone else had this problem?
Andy -
RE: Orbit using Mouse-Only Shortcut Not Working
@diannep said:Mike, I am just setting myself up with sketchup and just beginning to use it. I was having this same problem with "orbit" and the scroll wheel. When I pressed the scroll wheel, it sent me out of sketchup and into some other application widow that was open on my desktop.
I have a Microsoft wireless mouse. In the device settings, the scroll wheel is set to "flip" (whatever that means) as the default. But there is an option for "enable program-specific settings." Here, I set the scroll wheel to "autoscroll," specifically for the sketchup program. Now, the scroll wheel works as sketchup says it ought to for zooming, orbit, and panning.
You change the setting for the scroll wheel generally, but that might affect how it works for you in other programs.
Hope this helps.
Thanks diannep you are the man, I was so annoyed when my new mouse didn't Orbit when I pressed the middle/scroll button, and pan when I pressed left and middle buttons together. I'm not sure I would have figured it out without your help.
I have the 'Microsoft Mobile Wireless Mouse 3500' which I am very happy with since you sorted this issue for me. For those of you using Windows 7 and still struggling, you need to go to: Control Panel / Devices and Printers / Microsoft Mouse / RHM Mouse settings / Buttons. Then as diannep said select 'Enable program-specific settings', set 'Wheel button' to 'AutoScroll or Middle-click', then 'Apply'.
Sketchup authorised resellers
If you go to the Sketchup Pro Store page, there is a link to a list of authorised resellers that you can buy Sketchup Pro8 from online instead of direct from Sketchup. They generally sell for less than buying direct, saving ยฃ50 to ยฃ100ish. Has anyone had any experience of buying Sketchup through a 3rd party, good or bad?
RE: A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
@unknownuser said:
Welcome to SCF. Have you tried downloading the SU8 Pro trial? It last 8hrs so you might have enough time to make your plan in Layout.
Thanks Rich, Yes I have but then I discovered 'The Sketchup Show' tutorials on YouTube so I've been making my way through those and already used up my 8 hours of Pro trial. I'm afraid that Exeter City Council Planning are never happy and the planning process takes months/years!! there are bound to be alterations and that have to be made so nice thought but in reality it just isn't going to be sorted in 8 hours. I don't begrudge the money if it saves on the cost of an Architect which would certainly cost more, but why pay ยฃ400 if you can get the same software for ยฃ300?
RE: A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Hi all
I've managed to design a single storey lean-to extension for the side of my house in Devon (UK) on Sketchup Pro 8 free version, and I think it's good enough to send to the planning department without the need for an architect. Planning will accept electronic pdf drawings which saves sending 4 hard copies of everything, but insist on the drawing being on an A3 sheet, to scale, with a scale bar, so they can print them out and put a ruler on the plans to measure anything that's not dimensioned. I'll need Layout to do this so I was going to purchase it. I see Sketchup Pro8 costs ยฃ330+VAT for a single licence @ Sketchupprostore, but following sponsored links from tutorial books sold on Amazon I have seen the licence for ยฃ285+VAT @ facade-it, and ยฃ255+VAT @ softwareparadise. Does anyone know if these are genuine or fraudulentresellers, and if genuine are you getting the same software/contract?
Thanks in advance, Andy.