thank you man[quote]
RE: [Plugin] Vertex welding tool v1.2
@a4chitect said:
FUNCTIONALITY: it welds vertices (moves them to one spot and tries to weld colinear edges) selected by a 'fence' (thx to whaat for lot of lines of code)
USAGE NOTE: select all geometry you want to weld prior to launching the script, then choose the vertices to weld by drawing a virtual 'fence'
NOTE 4 RUBY CODERS: script is pretty dirty but the main part is useful for selecting vertices in view - feel free to use it
licence: your only duty is to share any improvements and/or upgrades of this code under this same condition
thanks to Juan V Soler for inspiration to make this
[attachment=1:3ism2iv0]<!-- ia1 -->vertex-weld-result.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:3ism2iv0]
12.04.2008 v1.2
*now it lets you specify your welding spot by cycling through all possible positionsPlugins/Vertex Weld (From Selection) -> Weld with Feedback
specify weld region with your mouse
confirm ENTER[/i]