Great plugin, but unfortunately on a Macbook with Retina display the toolbar is really tiny. Is it possible to consider this in the next update?
RE: [Plugin][$] RoundCorner - v3.4a - 31 Mar 24
RE: [Plugin] 2.5D CAM Plugin 20121202
I think I found another error:
( This file created by CNC_profile.rb )
( Cutter Diameter: 0.03937007874015748 )
( Stock Size: 7.330896464323272 x 1.3754388245933877 x 0.05905987881581955 )
G21 ( Unit of measure: millimeter )
G90 ( Absolute programming )
M03 ( Spindle on [clockwise] )G00 Z5,000 F30 (Move safety height)
G00 X0.00 Y.00 F100 ( Move to origin )
G00 X3,321 Y4,880 F100
G01 Z0.019685039370078546 F15
G01 X3,321 Y4,880 Z0,500 F50
G01 X14,173 Y4,880 Z0,500 F50Unit are millimeter, but the move in z direction is made in inches: G01 Z0.01968.... that are exactly 0.5mm. But where is the 0 level in z direction? On top of the bed or on top of the workpiece?
Also the cutter diameter is given in inches.
RE: [Plugin] 2.5D CAM Plugin 20121202
IĀ“ve downloaded your plugin, but nothing works. IĀ“m using the german version of Sketchup with , instead of . for the delimiter. Your scripts puts the coordinates from Sketchup with the ,. This was easy to find and I can make a search and replace with a texteditor. The next problem is that my CNC program complains the missing of M06 and the workplace is set to a strange position although i put the object on the zero point of my system.Do you have an idea if this might be a fail?
Thanks for your help