Bingo....your a star Tig
That sorted it, many thanks for your expertise. I'm raising a beer to you right now!....Hic!....well it is Friday!
RE: [Plugin] FreeDXF Importer
RE: [Plugin] FreeDXF Importer
%(#0000FF)[ Hi Tig
Thanks for responding. My directory looks correct, are there any dependencies I may be missing?
I did read something in an earlier incarnation about the file naming system having to be basic without spaces ('joliet' stuff!!), it looks a bit more like an issue in that direction perhaps, paths & stuff....he says clutching at straws!!
Error:]Error Loading File C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/freedxf/freedxf.rb
no such file to load -- inputboxError Loading File freedxf_ext.rb
no such file to load -- inputbox%(#0000FF)[.......The file is definitely there!
Being skint takes up a lot of my time! Just can't justify the Pro version though so your help is much appreciated!] -
RE: [Plugin] FreeDXF Importer
%(#4000FF)[I've got a script not loading error on start with free version 8.0.4811.
I would assume I had the files in the right places although I can't see the folder layout image in the script posting - just an image name.
Bound to be missing the obvious, be grateful if someone could nudge me in the right direction......cheers.Ooh one other question......Can I load the SU pro trial in tandem with my free version without bu#@ering it up or compromising the trial?....would quite like to see what I'm missing.]