Hello everybody,
i have got a problem. When I like to make a video of my animation with SketchyReplay, the view is allways the same. I would like to have the Scenes of SketchUp (View>animation>scenes) as the point of where I can watch my animation.
I am trying to change the sketchyreplay.rb, but I don't come along with it. Is here anyone who know how to change the script?
My idea is following:
First the animation changes from frame to frame with the command "nextFrame". At this moment the view shoult change, too. It's the second step. I think it's the class "page", which describes the view of the scenes I mentioned above. How can I add this in sketchyreplay.rb? The third steo is to save the view as a file.
My problem is step two. Who can help me?
Otherwise, does anyone of you have a PlugIn which can make pictures of the animation using the scenes? Twilight - the rendering software - is much too slow. The animation needed be rendered. Just snapshots of the animation will do.
Hope, anyone can help me.