@tt_su said:
Grouping and exploding will be very slow. And add_group with existing entities has been prone to erros and crashes.
But Mr.tt-su, when I use entities.intersect_with it doesn't work, can you explain why?
After all I'm using grouping just once because my plugin I'm creating right now is dealing with just two faces, not like the sample I gave.
I'v tried your plugin and it seems it works only for a ready intersected in the model faces,
if I have two faces say from my sample face1 and face2, then your plugin can't work on them unless they are intersected in the model first, if you draw two simple intersected rectangles in sketchup and say selected them, then you plugin can work, hope you get my point.
My problem till now is that I have two intersected faces but they are not intersected with the model and I want to merge them.
one option gave by TIG to use entities.intersect_with method but failed with me, I don't know exactly the arguments of this function.