Everything works fine with the update!! Thank you so much!! Greetz
RE: [Plugin Library] LibFredo6 - v15.2a - 12 Mar 25
RE: [Plugin Library] LibFredo6 - v15.2a - 12 Mar 25
Hello Fredo! Thank you for answering!! This is what te ruby console showed when opening Animator and starting the generation of the movie:
Status natural = {}
Status thea = :not_supported
Status ambient_occlusion = :not_supported
Status sketchFX = :not_supported
Status twilight = :not_supportedVRAY4 Init
Status vray4 = nil
Status vray = :not_supported
:beg_time => 0
:end_time => 90.5
:frame_rate => 25
:speed_factor => 1.0
:reversed_play => nil
:transparent => false
:dimX => 1920
:dimY => 1080
:dim_mode => "custom"
:filter => {
} (:filter)
:root_dir => "C:/Users/Gebruiker/Desktop/PROJECTEN/CARPENTIER/7. MONTAGEFILM HOUTEN WAND PERGOLA/Animator Videos"
:movie_dir => "BASIS ANIMATOR 4 - 23-Nov-2020 15-23-52"
:movie_name => "Film 1"
:date_modified => 1606130042.267186
:break_aspect_ratio => true
:movie_formats => {
:mp4 => true
:mov => false
:img_seq => true
} (:movie_formats)
:rendering_method => :vray4
MOVIE PX = 1920 PY = 1080 transpa = false
FORMATTED===========================VRAY Movie frame 1
Animation time = 0.00s
Path = Image0001.png
AFTER launching Rendering and Timer: status = true
VRAY Status check - status = 6
VRay rendering not finished yet elapsed = 1.99s
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined methodstate' for nil:NilClass> c:/users/gebruiker/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2019/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/body_lib6videomanager.rbe:445:in
c:/users/gebruiker/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2019/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/body_lib6videomanager.rbe:553:in `block in vray4_status_check'
VRAY STOP timer =
VRAY STOP timer =My Version of Vray is: V-Ray for SketchUp 4.20.02
RE: [Plugin Library] LibFredo6 - v15.2a - 12 Mar 25
Hello LibFredo6!! Just installed the new versions of animator and the library plugin. I use Vray next to render and i notice that after te first image is rendered Animator doesn't start with the second image. It just keeps counting the seconds even after the render is finished. I also noticed that in the menu, the preset dimensions are gone. I only have the viewport option.
Greetings, Simon