Can I control the order in which the sliders appear in the MSPhysics Control Panel?

MSphysics is amazing.
This is an animated 3D model of my real homebuilt OKA 4WD truck modified as a go anywhere comfortable offroad motorhome. It has taken us to the isolated wilderness throughout Australia over the last few years: ...deserts, mountains, rivers and coast.

the model, thanks to MSPhysics is a true detailed representation of the truck with 4WD, steering and suspension that demonstate the capabilities of the real vehicle as a true earth cruiser well.

when i am finished I plan to put it all on an interactive website.
Thanks for the MSPhysics extension; ...with little doco, it has taken a lot to learn but learning all the different properties by suck it and see is better in the long run, especially after I found that once you know the various parts of the interface, they are very consistent and predictable.
When you get it right and learn its limits it is very stable makes animation and video production so easy and precise.