@unknownuser said:
I have also compiled a Universal version of the Scrambler for Mac.
Let me know if you see issues and/or problems with it.
Mac Scrambler downloaded from SU utilities http://code.google.com/apis/sketchup/docs/utilities.html page doesn't work properly.
It does produce a scrambled script which starts with RBS1.08 when given a normal rb script but that script is not usable and moreover returns exit code 1 when finished.
Downloaded binary (SketchUpRubyScramblerMac) is a valid binary as it does show arch info with 'file SketchUp...blerMac'
I am working with it on a Mac i386 10.6
rbs files resulted from this binary do not load into SU when put in SU plugins folder. Normal rb scripts are all well working scripts and rbs versions of these on windows work fine (when scrambled with windows scrambler exe).
Can you provide any insight asto why this doesn't work on Mac.