neat pics and images. seems like there are a lot of people out here with a lot of work in the general category of needs team to finish it. I know i am good at generating models and poor at painting them or creating back ground scenes and etc i don't have a clue as how to operate a rendering engine and my old puter couldn't handle one anyhow.
But i have tonne loads of models, and it would be really sweet if we could form some kind of team you guys and you know- collaborate up a storm. I have a team on slack i just made named think starship. This is a fine thread and all but unless the admins created 20 new sub forums here its not really collaboration space theres nothing but scrawl to read for something approaching encyclopedia set length.
Which is again good to show off art and ideas but bad if you were ever going to get 100 peeps to put new and fresh details on your old ideas,...
seems to me something like slack with its channels system is ideal that way, also uploading pics to this site is a lot more of a pain.