Osvaldo, The "pro" version of this plugin (that --if I am not mistaken-- also calculates the plastic neutral axis and plastic section modulus) is still available anywhere? Thank you, Jorge. @osalas said: Hello Everyone, I have been an avid user of SketchUp these past few years, mostly used in the structural design work I do. There a lot of talented people in this forum who's plugins have had a big influence in pursuing my interest in developing plugins. This is my first post but I look forward to becoming a contributing member of this forum. Below is a plugin that could be useful to those looking to calculate the centroid and geometric properties of planar faces. NOTE: v1.1a moved to SCF PluginsStore http://sketchucation.com/resources/pluginstore?pln=SectionProp Now has proper 'require' statements. TIG. I have additional information and tutorials posted on my website. http://www.skpengineering.com Regards, Osvaldo