Hi lapx
the trees come from dosch design (Trees&conifers vol. 2)
I think some of them are very usefull.
so long
Latest posts made by o.utan
RE: Competition_theater
Hi all,
these images are part of a project we did for a competition (surrounding of the theater in Gütersloh_Germany).Unfortunately we lost 5:7 in the secound round.So I guess it was a quite close result. Everything was modelled in SU and later on exported to MR Studio.Finally I did some post work in PS.
In our previous competitions we used SU only because of the large scale. It was the first time we used MR for a project. I think with SU--->MR you can achieve very good results for images in outdoor situations. Allthough it took me a very! long time to achieve any acceptable results I think now, I will use MR more and more.
Furthermore I think theres a lot of movement in the MRForum, a new ´plug in´ supporting Instances,...
Would be glad to hear some comments