First time poster here, I just saw SketchyPhysics yesterday and I'm having a blast using it. I was looking around for a way to export my files but I couldn't find anything, so I searched on the forums. I saw a post from a while back saying that exporting would be available in SP3. Excellent! So my question is, what kind of exporting. Say I want to load my SP file into the google MilkTruck thing (where you drive around and jump mountains and whatnot) and I wanted to retain all of the properties that I applied to my object. Will this be possible?
Another thought, is it possible to change the physics (collision detecting, breaking things, etc) within the Milk Truck API? Or does anyone know of a plugin/program/group that's doing so? It would be cool to have some sort of milk truck wars or something but that requires a lot of collision testing and whatnot. Anyways, hope to hear back from someone!