Question for Dave -- I've looked into the Cut List program, works well. Is there any way to create or edit for custom board sizes, say over 12'? Thanks.
RE: [Plugin] ComponentReporter+.rb
RE: [Plugin] ComponentReporter+.rb
Guys, thanks again for the help. Dave -- will CutList work on the free version of SketchUP?
RE: [Plugin] ComponentReporter+.rb
["/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins", "/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Tools"]The version I had downloaded was the "++" version. I was trying different locations for the file in case it was a location issue (really just shooting in the dark). I tried locating the file in the "documents" folder, same result.
I removed the "++" version and replaced with the "+" version, located the model file in the "documents" folder -- everything worked fine. CSV files were placed in the same folder as the model file.
A couple of dumb questions: SKP file is a sketchup model file? And SKP is the same as a model file?
A little embarrassing -- I'm very new to a Mac (1 month). I've been a Windows user for forever and work with some high end modeling software on a daily basis (ProEngineer, CATIA). I'm still trying to get a handle on file locations, permissions, read/write, etc. with the Mac. I was looking for a way to create components (pieces, part), create assemblies from them and generate a bill of material (BOM) of the parts (components). I think the cutlist would take the additional step of fitting the models to boards or sheet goods (?) -- which may be my next step.
Anyway, I'll give it a go. Very appreciative for all the help.
RE: [Plugin] ComponentReporter+.rb
Result of the first:
m=Sketchup.active_model;p m.title;p File.dirname(m.path);
"component test"
"/Applications/Google SketchUp 8/Models"
nilResult of the second:
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/pluginsResult of the third:
Sketchup.find_support_file('ocean_extension.rb', 'plugins')
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/plugins/ocean_extension.rbResult of the fourth:
/Users/briancurry/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/.Result of the fifth:
/Hope this help. Appreciate all the help.
RE: [Plugin] ComponentReporter+.rb
I'm running on Mac OSX (just switched from Windows, so I'm struggling with that). This if the first time I've used the plugin -- no csv files open in Excel. The path on the dialog window is:/component test-Component+Report.csv
Thought this might be due to running the free version? I'll check the security setting in the window (need to figure that out first on the Mac). I appreciate the quick reply and help. -
RE: [Plugin] ComponentReporter+.rb
First post so apologies if I'm in the wrong spot or otherwise. I'm working with the free version of Sketchup for some woodworking projects. I've created components and would like to print out a list and quantities of these. I've downloaded ComponentReporter ++ for this and have run into an error -- I keep getting the "file already open" error. I've checked the folder names, no odd characters. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.