Thanks for the reply faust07. Here's one of my designs, reduced, I hope Table design to test what weights cause table to tip over
RE: MSPhysics tests and questions
RE: MSPhysics tests and questions
Edit: Duplicate post, see my question in next post.
RE: MSPhysics tests and questions
How can I use joints or some other way to combine two or more groups/components to form a stiff structure so, that each will have different weight/density and the combined object's center of mass is correct?
My specific problem is that I'm designing a table that has wooden tabletop and steel legs. I'm testing different kinds of steel structures as the legs. Then I'm placing weights on the edges of the table to get some kind of an idea what weight would cause the table to tip over and modify the legs' positioning if needed.
I tried different kinds of joints, but they all seem to make the table to stand no matter what kind of weight I put on the table edge. The only way working so far for me is to use no joints at all, make the whole table a single component and set approximate weight that I calculate myself. But that will cause the center of mass to be incorrect and afaik affects the results of this simulation somwhat.
Any help is much appriecated, thanks!