how to use this code? is this ruby?
@unknownuser said:
if joyRY>0.5
> joyRY
> else
> 0.5
> end
(Reverse to < for the other trigger)
how to use this code? is this ruby?
@unknownuser said:
if joyRY>0.5
> joyRY
> else
> 0.5
> end
(Reverse to < for the other trigger)
ehm... any hints, tricks, etc???
did someone understand what i mean???
hmmm. i think so, indirectly maybe. am i OT?
hi, i'm using an joystick to steer an bagger (bagger2, analog stick)
here the question: how to add or substract values of angle to steer the arms.
actually the servoangle is relative to the position of the stick, but it would
be nice to get "added values", like in an flight simulation: if you push forward,
the plane sinks, if you let get the stick to the neutral position, the plane
keeps sinking, and not getting the nose to horizont.
(did you ever heard so terrible english like this???)