Thanks for your CC Daniel.
Conference Room
A Conference Room modeled completely in SU and rendered in V-ray. Hope you guys like it.
RE: Chillrender
very well done my friend. Your light cache settings are excellent. It would be great to post your SU model also so the ppl. can make use of your render settings.
RE: Vray Render Texture Mapping
@unknownuser said:
Another nice render Khalid. The only thing I can see maybe needs a little tweeking is the facade of the building. Looks a bit shaded with regards to where the light is coming from.
Other than that, great!Thanks James, it's the texture mapping effect my friend and there is no light at all as I mentioned before. The only light used here is the hidden sky scene in my GI engine and ofcourse the SU environment itself.
Vray Render Texture Mapping
Here is another quick SU model rendered with v-ray using sky scene as texture mapping and outdoor lighting. It's very simple, switch to the environment tab in your V-RAY and select any scene bright scene you want as your Global Illumination. Try your best to select a cloudy sky with some pink color in it.
RE: Blimping around.
very well done solo. Here you gave Good Year another free AD.
RE: Subd and smooth stuff
Very well done remus. Such techniques can work also for designing sculptures. Don't you think so?
RE: Only a Bathroom
@igor said:
as you can probably tell, i think its just a little too monochromatic. the band of beig in the middle of the wall was a nice touch, but a little more of the other colors would be nice.
needs a window too...
great model, even if there is too mcuh green...
your point is valid, I will add a window later on and maybe change the floor color.
RE: Only a Bathroom
@remus said:
very nice, its got a good feel to it.
crit: whats happeneing with the water in the bath? it looks almost like its the opening to an under sea cave or something
Maybe if you put a roof over your scene, so instead of reflecting the sky the water will reflect the ceiling.
Thanks Remus for the comment. You're absolutely right, the sky is not giving a realistic effect like a ceiling but I was unable to achieve a water looking surface using only a rectangular VRAY light. I will keep experimenting until I end up with something more realistic.
Only a Bathroom
Another SU model with VRAY render. C&C are welcome.
RE: Gallery Hall (Vray Render)
@daniel said:
@daniel said:
Sorry, I'm being excruciatingly picky - has to do with my job this week. It appears to me that you applied the stone material to the font face only of your soffit light (as illustrated on the left, below), but didn't return it on the bottom to show the thickness of that stone (as shown on the right, along with a supporting frame). It's the sorta thing that only an architect would probably notice.
[attachment=0:247hl1ac]<!-- ia0 -->stonesoffit.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:247hl1ac]regardless, it's a nice rendering.
not at all Daniel, you're most welcome. Now I got your point. The most difficult part in any realistic rendering is the light distribution and the texture mapping technique. This model took me more than 2 hrs to achieve such an output. Currently, i'm experimenting fluid and realistic water surface which is really hard to achieve in sketchup+vray. The minutes it's done I'll post it here and your comments will be a plus.
RE: Gallery Hall (Vray Render)
@daniel said:
Nice rendering. Would that soffit light be clad with stone (how would you support it?)? If so, wouldn't you see the thickness of the stone on the underside?
Dear Daniel, honestly I didn't get your point.
RE: Gallery Hall (Vray Render)
Thanks Frederik for the comment. In this scene I used three different types of lighting. Omni directional light from outside, vray emissive light from the ceiling) with value 1, and an inside rectangle light with the value set to 2. That's it.
Gallery Hall (Vray Render)
Hi all,
Here is another model rendered with vray. Hope you guys like it.
RE: Simple hotel bathroom
Yes, vray is my preferred renderer, and i'm using it since 4 yrs.
RE: 'building block?'
Frankly speaking it's a piece of art. I like the small details and I love to see it in sketchy colors or water colors.