Oops, here is the second document, showing the rainwater/potable water/wastewater systems.
RE: Construction & Working Drawings - Discussion
RE: Construction & Working Drawings - Discussion
I probably represent a pretty unusual case, but I am currently using SU and LO to produce a set of construction drawings. I am an architect working for the Peace Corps in Guatemala, helping a rural Mayan community to design and build a 800 square meter high school. What I've discovered is that most of the local labor force is illiterate as well as unable to read conventional construction documents. SketchUp gives me a way to present the data in a way that makes more sense to the laborers doing the work. I've attached two example drawings from the set. They are obviously inadequate for your typical contractual arrangement in the US, but they are a lifesaver here and I don't know of any tool that would do a better job than SketchUp.
Go easy on the criticism... they are only about 85% done.
BTW, Mitchel's drawings are pretty awesome.