Hi all,
Long-time lurker here, making a first post.
First: Thanks Fredo6 for such a great set of tools! Really impressive.
Next, here's details of a problem I've seen a few time with Radial Bending. Apologies in advance if it's already covered elsewhere.
I see Radial Bending generally work well. However, with some geometry, it does not create clean faces. The new geometry has gaps, e.g. where an edge is not created or where a face is not created.
Here's a demo showing the problem. Note the missing faces seen after the Radial Bend has been applied. I would appreciate any advice on how to better use the tool to avoid the problem.
I'm using SU 2017. The fredo6 plugins are all at latest versions. I tried adjusting the Number of Slices parameter to various values and see the same problem. I'm aware that SU sometimes struggles with very short edges. The geometry in the demo was re-scaled to be 8.1 metres in height.
Finally, this demo covers Radial Bending. I see similar problems with Box Twist when working with similar geometry.
Thanks for any advice.