I have with the aid of snippets and Alexander C. Schreyer's Ruby Code Editor stumbled my way to a example that does what I wish. Its of the form:
# bbtools.rb script to add tools for bounding box manipulation
module HSM
module BBTools
class BBTool
vital essence
end # class BBTool
end # module BBTools
end # module HSM
and while in the editor I invoke it with:
tool = HSM;;BBTools;;BBTool.new()
At this point I'd like to make it a 'real' extension. By that I mean add it to one of the pull down menus in SU. I believe I need to do this in a separate file where I essentially tell SU about my tool and where I will place it.
there is also the matter of:
Extension Wrappers; All extensions in the Extension Warehouse must be wrapped
with a SketchupExtension class so that the user can enable and disable the
extension from the Preferences dialog and/or the Extension Warehouse UI.
At this point I admit to being clueless about how to accomplish this last step. My goal is to at some point publish and I believe that adds a layer of complexity as well.
Advice? Suggestions. Brickbats? Catcalls? Bring it on---Please !!