Thanks for the comments Earthmover. We have made every attempt in our vegetation models to balance a quality appearance with low face count, small file size to fit with the capabilities of SketchUp. We've also tried to produce an accurate representation of the plant species for each model.
If you look closely at the Green Ash tree sample you will see we were able to produce a 3D model of a tree that has a fine texture and keep the face count around 1500. This can only be done by using textures for each group of leaves/branches. Almost all the leaf and flower textures of our trees were painstakenly illustrated by hand (painted & photoshop'd) - done this way because it is impossible to find or photograph images exaclty as you need them to build trees like this.
You are correct in saying they aren't completely photoreal. Its very difficult to make 3D vegetation photoreal because of SketchUp's limitation. I beleive the best way to be photoreal still is by using 2D face-me photos of plants. Using our library you can certainly produce some nice looking finished models like the one attached here (rendered using Shaderlight).
Comments and feedback are welcome!
Len Hordyk l.a.t.
DynaSCAPE Software