@tig said:
On PC the SketchUp webdialog always uses IE.
I know ..
@tig said:
Checks its Internet Options settings are not too 'strict' - e.g. it must allow javascript to run.
all okay, java script runs fine
@tig said:
What is your ruby code used to create the webdialog ?
dlg = UI::WebDialog.new("Titel", true, "VS_REG", 739, 641, 150, 150, true); dlg.set_url "http://url" dlg.show
@tig said:
Does it crash immediately it's created, or when you specify content, or 'show' it etc ?
it crashes randomly while browsing on the website .. (sometimes a few seconds, sometimes 1-2minutes)
@tig said:
Have you tried repairing the SketchUp [version?] installation ? ['Programs and Features' Control Panel...]
It is Sketchup 2014 and it's a completly clean Win 7 installation with IE 9, we could reproduce it with two different computers
@tt_su said:
What SketchUp version? And is it only with IE9? Not IE10 or 11?
2014.. we used a lot of test computers with different OS and IE .. only Win7 and IE9 caused a bug splat
@tt_su said:
Did you submit the bugsplats? If so, did you enter any details in the report we can use to look it up?
up to now, I didn't, but I'll do it in the next minutes