Thank you so much for such a great plugin! I was going ask about the animation speed issue, but then I find that there's an update with animation easing adjustment, and everything is wonderful!
Don't know if it's a bug necessarily, but the only odd thing I've found while using Proper Animation is when I open a file with >7 animation positions, I have to right click an item, choose "add position 8, 9, etc" in order for them to show on the Animation Easing dialogue box. Otherwise, the dialogue box stops at position 7.
Such an easy thing, but I bring it up in the interest of trying to help develop an even more user-friendly product.
Thank you again!
EDIT: Seems once I've done what I outlined above and save the file, I don't have to do it again, so it must have been due to working with a previously made file (using Proper Animation 1.07) with the new version. Just had to let the easing menu know that there are other steps, or something like that.