The DFGT is compatible with SP, you just have to work out what each control is called. The attachment is the controls that work with my DFGT, you just have to copy the code from the controller field in the UI. Also, the names of the buttons aren't much help in determining what they do. The only other thing is that you have to have it at 200 degrees lock in the Logitech controller settings to avoid a massive deadzone.
If those controls don't work correctly, then if you open the file in "C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Plugins\SketchyPhysics3" called ControllerCommands.rb, all the names of the controls are defined, so just try mapping each name to a piston/servo and see what it does.
Hope that helps
Latest posts made by FredIIVX
RE: Controlled car with game-steer ?
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In the scene manager, under animations, you can put: camera follow [name of object in Entity Info] or camera track [name of object in Entity Info], you can also use these in conjunction with each other, by putting: Camera follow [object.Camera track [other object]], hope that helps.
RE: SP3x Apr3 version.
I was wondering, is there any way to put scripts in the white boxes? Because I was trying to set the ratio of a gear to something like getVar('Ratio') but it won't let me type letters in any of the white boxes, so I tried copying getVar('Ratio') into it, it lets me do that but it's gone the next time I open the UI box.
RE: Toggle script (working)
Couldn't you just put something like this in the OnTouch/OnTick box?
if getVar('On')==0; setVar('On',1); elsif getVar('On')==1; setVar('On',0); end;
RE: SP3x Apr3 version.
Im not 2 great at scripting, so could you tell me how 2 control the sound, e.g. play a gunshot.wav when joybutton('RB') is pressed? I tried different variations of things like this joybutton('rb'); playsound('gunshot.wav') but can't get it 2 work -- Edit --
DW i resloved it in the end -
RE: An Help manual for Sketchyphysics
@•BTM, is this sorta what u had in mind?