Urgen, I did two or three models a long time ago using real images to texture them, but didnĀ“t know if people were liking them so I kinda stopped there, but it was until I saw all the masterpieces you were creating that I realized not only that people really dig them, but also that they look way better than simple textured models. IĀ“m a really big fan of your work and have been following this thread since you started it. I feel like a kid with a new toy everytime you share these great models with us. It was when I saw the great quality of YOUR work that I decided to start doing these type of components again for Form Fonts. So you were right on spot Free Agent (big fan of your renders too). Urgen, keep up the amazing work and I donĀ“t know if youĀ“re interested or not, but if the administration would take you into the Form Fonts team, IĀ“d be the first to celebrate .
Franklin Munoz
Form Fonts Artist