Ok.. since Shapeways does not understand skp files, i usally upload in STL format. And as i said i could upload it and it was not rejected.(so reversed faces seem not to survive the stl-export) The initial check for solidity was confirmed. But when they actually started to produce it, their machine told them it was not possible because of the wall thickness issue. As of now i think d12dozr is right with the thickness of the legs there, although that they are no legs. Thes pylon keep the firebreach plate at a distance to the back of my [H]eavy-[L]ong-[R]ange-[M]issle-Thrower for Battletech so they do not need to support the weight, thats what i ment with this explanation
And i must say i checked the Model from all directions (in and out) Roger and can not find any missing walls... maybe you up a pic or so? I test all my models with solid inspector and cleanupΒ³ so there should be no issue, but you never know And of course i think a wall-thickness-checker could be great thing. I would add the idea of a optional material change to the wall other than the circle-thingies from solid inspector which disappear when you work on the errors. One could reverse the material afterwards by button or so.. but no, when you changed the model for greater thickness you possibly do not have the same faces to color... but you could a have button that stores a couple of materials on a flyout so that you could grab them and put them back were you need them... Ok these are just ideas for people that are into full-color-sandstone, because i dont use any material or color at all as you can see in the model...
And thank you all for the tips!
RE: [Plugin Request] - Minimal-wall-thickness test for 3D-Prints
RE: [Plugin Request] - Minimal-wall-thickness test for 3D-Prints
Sure thing. I added the file of the most suspicious model. Somewhere in there is a place to small to reach (at least for a 3d printer
RE: [Plugin] Voxelize - Updated 2011-04-04
You are kidding me right? I mean you must kid me!! I did this by hand last week!!! I was totally not aware of your script and i made a voxelized soldier for a 3d Print project (3mm or 1/600 scale infantry) by overlaying a 3d-warehouse model with a matrix of 30x30x30 voxel and then deleting everything that was not used... (like in Michelangelos "I chipped off everything that did not look like a lion") Man i will so much use this next time!!!! Thanks alot!
Flashhawk -
[Plugin Request] - Minimal-wall-thickness test for 3D-Prints
i just had rather unpleasant experience. I uploaded a model of mine, designed and checked thoroughly by the magnificent scripts hosted here on this site, to shapeways last week and after it was accepted. I ordered it. And today i get an email that they could not do it because i did not met the requirement of the minimal wall thickness and therefore can not produce my model. So my problem is, that i have combined several small part models into one to save on setup price for Frosted Ultra Detail material. So not only do i not get one model, but i do not get said several models... And i am also lost at finding the problem in there since a seperate upload of the single models will also be accepted me thinks! So what i need is a way to find such problematic areas by some kind of checking plugin that asks me for minimal wall thicknesses and shows me the parts that i have to look into. I can provide the model and any kind of moral support, but i can not program to save my live, sorry
Can some kind heart take on that mission? I think it could be of greater interest since there are more and more people into 3D-printing.
Thanks in advance