Great share !!! Thank you very much
RE: 3D model source [including SKP files]
RE: Garden WIP
@bryan k said:
Did that help with your video card? The new renders look good.
Im not sure Bryan, but I guess so. And I think that is rendering faster. I dont know how
graphic card work during rendering. I have 4 core cpu and its under 100% load, but graphic card
is not working a lot. But I can see improvment clearly. Anyway thank you for help. I would like
to know more about it. Have to do some searching -
RE: Captain James Cook Cottage
Tadema amazing model and render. Its stunning wotk !!! May I ask which render machine do you use ??? One more time. Wonderful !!!
RE: Garden WIP
Thank you Bryan so much for advice !!!
Here is last render. Still WIP.
I have one problem for ages. I want to make green wall, but even good textures are not enough.
So I was thinking about cutting some segments out of original texture make them PNGs and place them
in front of wall to make more realistic look. Problem is that I dont know how to make them casting
proper shadow. I hope you understand. I know that there is some alpha channel tehnic to do it but
i dont know how. Any advice or help. Thank you in advance. -
RE: Garden WIP
@bryan k said:
I found that "boosting" my video card, SketchUp and rendering looked far better.
By boosting, I mean using the video card control panel to get the highest quality possible from it.
For instance, I use ATI, and it has its own control panel called "Catalyst Control Center" where I have more control over the video card than the standard operating system controls.
Give that a try if you have something like that and see if it helps.
Hey Bryan. I have ATIcard as well. But what you tuned in CCC ???
RE: Garden WIP
@tomsdesk said:
@filipaguy said:
...also trees dont face properly.
The tree in the background needs to be made "unique" so it will render properly. (Have you talked to the podium folks about the stripes?)
Thank you TOM. I know im problematic one
I talked about stripes, but no solution yet. Its strange that stripes are random. I will make them unique.
RE: Garden WIP
@unknownuser said:
I wish that were my garden.
Thank you ecofeco for nice words
I dont know why but still getting sometimes stripes in my renders and also trees dont face properly.
RE: Garden buildings
@tails said:
Hi ecofeco, here is my most recent image. Please excuse the lack of sky as, I'm trying a new method using photoshop.
Maybe it's because it is my work and I see it everyday, but I just think my drawings are a bit messy and boring. Lack a certain something.
Hi tails.
I realy like your building. I can easily imagine it in real garden. Good work
About you render. What realy seem strange to me is amount of light inside
building. Its just too much for a day. I know you used some artificial lights there but still. Another thing is grass texture. This always been problem
for me and for many others. Try some other textures and some postprocessing as well.May I ask you if its your design of builiding ? Im landscape architect and its realy refreshing
RE: Garden WIP
Thank you Ecofeco for kind words
I tryed to render vegetation without shdw layer, but I cant see difference.
Garden WIP
Hello guys. This is my last render where I was mostly testing new vegetation created by TOM. Model still need
some more details like furniture, lighting system, etc. I will do some postprocesinf as well, but any advice
is more than welcomeAnd I must say huge thanks to TOM for his incredible work !!!
RE: Trouble rendering 2.5D trees
@tomsdesk said:
These trees don't need exploding...looks like you have "rendering" set to "use AA textures"...?
[attachment=0:1w60mhgz]<!-- ia0 -->0renderingAAoff.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1w60mhgz]
see here:
I rendered without AA turned on and result is still same. Sorry guys Im just real noob in this. Im
sure that is my fault. Trying to render again.Edit: So I need to explode which part of tree to run it properly ? Without exploding whole model it doesnt work for me.
At this moment Im realy stucked with all. SketchUp and Podium.Maybe I need vacation -
RE: Proposed Housing for Coastal Flood Zones
Troy you did wondrful job. Model look so sleek, but detailed. I realy love it !!! Thumbps Up
RE: Trouble rendering 2.5D trees
Hello guys.
I want to buy some of TOMΒ΄s tree packs, so I tryed to render samples posted
on this forum with Podium V2 (2.02). And I got very similar results as Edson.
Than I tryed to explode model. I exploded model completly, but wasnt working
also. Only option which left was "unhide".Only problem now is that model is not rotating anymore. I gonna try other samples.
Thank you very much for your work. I like it a lot
RE: Night shot
All render is great, but water is awesome for me !!!
Realy good work. Thanks for sharing
RE: Glasshouse with pool
@will03 said:
Hey, good looking render, Just a couple of improvements and it will be looking great! I would add a couple of interior lights, maybe above the couches and in the pool. To make the floor look better, I would add a trim around the pool, even just the SU tile textures, and then a different tile inside the pool, and add a bumpmap to the water, This will add a huge amount of realism. looking great!
Oh Will I didnt see you reply
Great advices. I did almost all, but didnt add trim and didnt change tiles in pool yet. But you are definitely right
Thank you guys
RE: Glasshouse with pool
Hello guys
So I tryed to improve water, floor mosaic and I added some more light to picture. I used simple sky picture as backgroud as well. So here is result. -
RE: Glasshouse with pool
@unknownuser said:
Nice! I would drop the POV down, but that's just me.
But overall, I find the pic very inviting and wished I was there.
Thank you for comment ecofeco
Sorry for my stupid question but what is POV ? Exuse me but Im realy new in this
Edit: POV Point of view ?