thank you so much! I am still not quite comfortable in ruby, though I have done some simple scripts before. I will try to make this work, and if it doesn't I may ask again. But for now this is great.
RE: Activating the scale tool
RE: Req script to draw squares by specifying the area
actually it is quite funny that you should request this at this time, I am just now making some scripts for this use, as I know how often we architects use this.
I hope I will be done with the scripts this weekend, but cannot promise. They work in a very rudimentary way now, they do what they are supposed to, but they need to be a bit more user friendly.
Basically, it's like this: one script for drawing squares by area specification and one for drawing circles. and then a third script for transforming elements while keeping their area.
They are really simple scripts, but they can do wonders for area studies.
Activating the scale tool
Hi everyone!
I was wondering if anyone would know how to invoke the scale tool through ruby. That is, for my script I need for the user to be able to scale an object along one axis and the script would automatically scale along another axis in a corresponding manner. Isn't there a way to use the normal transformation handles to help with this?
I hope anyone would be able to help!