Earl, Just a guess but you have Enable Length Snapping checked. (Window>Model Info>Units) Uncheck it. I would trace over the image of the profile. Actually, you could take an extrusion of the profile I drew and use Push/Pull on the vertical face opposite the ogee curve and pull it to make the width of the board. Pull down on the bottom to give it some additional thickness if you want. Normally I would move the profile into place on a corner and use P/P or Follow Me to make the profile on the edge of the "board". when you grab the profile with the Move tool, grab it where it makes sense. For xample if the bottom right corner is to align with the bottom right corner of the board. grab the profile there. When you are drawing, pay attention to the alignment of the edges so they stay on plane. Then the face should be filled. Keep practicing. You'll get it. Send me a private message with your e-mail. I'll send you something that'll help you out.