@dave r said: I've read through your list and looked at your latest version of the model. I think I have some ideas for you for the list and I'll write them down as soon as I can. Cool. Take your time. @dave r said: Since you've removed the materials from most of the model, you could delete at least the MDF texture to reduce the file size. Then you could post it here if you wish. SketchUp told me it was still in use, but I couldn't see where. No matter. I deleted it anyway - huge difference! That's a pretty big texture file, no wonder my puny little laptop was chugging! LOL! @dave r said: What format do you intend to use for the plans for this thing? How do you mean? Like PDF file format, or do you mean like A3, or ArchD, etc.? I was going to output to PDF in a hybrid magazine article/shop drawing kinda thing, if that makes sense. Basically a letter size portrait layout for the "Article" portion (the assembly procedure), with an "Appendix" of shop drawings, also letter sized but landscape oriented, if they are needed. Just so the average Joe can print the plans out on a regular desktop printer. If you've got other ideas, I'm all ears - this is my first time, so I'm just wingin' it! Workflow: SketchUp->LayOut->PDF->(maybe)InDesign, if it needs a polish. Thanks for looking -Duncan