well as for tiling, you'll grow an extra sense for it when you render more often as it's one of the most nagging things to overcome. In this case an option would be to just select a random brick in PS and copy, paste, scale and skew it on various fitting places. Do so with some more bricks, and the pattern gets randomized pretty quickly.
As for lighting, i'd suggest picking up some readingmaterial in the photography-department. Lighting is there a more obvious subject than to some books on digital art that focus more on modelling or materialising (plenty exceptions though), and you'll quickly learn some basics.
Even given your background that is only loosely related, i think you did an awesome job on the whole project. Really, my compliments.
One more thing i noticed, is that the walls of the boating club suffer from a thing called moire. The patterns start displaying these parabolic lines. I'm not sure how you can overcome this with Podium as i have no experience with it, but most often this dissapears with a higher rendering quality. I see some 'spots' in the sky as well, wich are also a sign of low quality rendering so just up-up-up the Anti-Aliasing, image size and whatever other feature you can tick on and you probably will get a lot better result.