Hello All! I thought I would introduce myself. I have been using Sketchup for about 3 years but only recently for use at work. I attended the 3D Basecamp last week and that was an incredible experience to say the least.
I love forums and am quite involved in some other forums that cater to my interests and so I hope to become a regular here. I would like to be able to help answer questions as well as ask some of my own.
I started a blog a few months ago relating to the use of sketchup in the context of civil engineering. After this last week I realized the uses I have for Sketchup as a civil engineer are quite similar to those of an architect or landscape architect. I work for a city and basically, I use the software to display the designs of our projects to the public. I have also been working on creating a 3d Model of our city and exploring all other uses for sketchup and Google Earth.
Anyway, that's me. Feel free to check out my blog if you want. I am looking for others to contribute to the blog as well so let me know if you would like to contribute.

Google Sketchup for Civil Engineers
Sketchup is becoming a very popular program and tool for many different uses. Architects, interior designers, graphic artists... It also has its place in civil engineering. This blog is to share the things that I am learning about sketchup and for you all to post suggestions and your ideas. If you have an idea, email it to me and I can post your idea with pictures or video.
Jason Wuertz