James, that is good. What do you do then for the width of the panels? For example if each piece is to be 600mm wide, do you do the math first to figure out how wide to draw the piece so that after skewing, it is the correct width? Or do you resize the component afterward? Here's another way. [image: 7ed77371.jpg] Draw the panel element. Make it a component. [image: 5d16f79b.jpg] Rotate the component to the required angle. Make a linear array to cover the distance. [image: 8cea1153.jpg] Miter the ends. I selected the edge at the high corner and used Move to bring it down to the top of the panel. [image: 8ece2384.jpg] All of the components get the same treatment. [image: 6db502aa.jpg] Repeat for the bottom. [image: dd350dbe.jpg] For those components that need to be mitered for the left and right edges select them individually, choose Make Unique from the context menu. Trace along the edge of the frame and use Push/Pull to delete the waste. [image: 3c4597f2.jpg] Paneling is complete, each board is the desired width and the bounding box is properly aligned to yield the correct information in a CutList. The axis alignment also makes it easi to add wood grain materials if desired.