There was a plug-in for Sketchup that did just that - try searching "Color by Slope". I haven't used it recently though. It paints surfaces according to their slopes. There is also a "Color by Height" variant. These might work for you.
⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
RE: GIS SOFTWARE recommendation reqd.
RE: Some Doors and Windows for you all (Update)
Thank you for these components. And thank you for reminding me to clean up and organize my own door components!
RE: No faces on imported DWG
Similar thing happened to me once. I changed the units in the import dialogue to something much bigger and Skethcup was able to generate the faces succesfully. I scaled model back down once in Sketchup. The actual CAD file was in centimeters, but I imported it as meters I think. Give it a try.
RE: 3ds to skp models
Thanks. It's always a bore modelling those switches...