Hi, on a mac, I got this Error: #<Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - VELUX_VSE_INSTALLED.txt> (eval):59:in initialize' (eval):59:in open' (eval):59:in `RunScript' (eval):199 Error: #<Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - VELUX_VSE_INSTALLED.txt> so I changed <span class="syntaxdefault"></span><span class="syntaxcomment"># name = name.tr(".skp", "") + ".txt"<br /></span><span class="syntaxdefault">name </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">=</span><span class="syntaxdefault"> path </span><span class="syntaxkeyword">+</span><span class="syntaxdefault"> </span><span class="syntaxstring">".txt"</span><span class="syntaxdefault"> </span> and it produce a text file. however, it has the 'full_path/to/texture.jpg' from the originating computer, i.e. not mine, Would have to make all the texture files or could they be extracted by the plugin? john