TIG, please, can you help me with that.
RE: How to cut from object
About groups, I'm not sure, if I'm doing it right.
Rectangel blocks:group = Sketchup.active_model.entities.add_group entities = group.entities ptA = [x[0+i*8], y[0+i*8], z[0+i*8]].map(&;to_f) ... entities.add_line(ptA, ptB) ... bottom = entities.add_face(ptA, ptB, ptC, ptD) ... bottom.material = blockMaterial[i] ... bottom.back_material = blockMaterial[i] ...
Similarly cylinders (just using entities.add_circle).
Is it a right way?Now for make a drill (not a notch), I need to find a face, so I'm trying sth like this
model = Sketchup.active_model entities = model.entities face = nil entities.grep( Sketchup;;Group ).each{|e| puts "Group #{e.name.empty? ? e.definition.name.inspect ; e.name.inspect};" faces = e.definition.entities.grep( Sketchup;;Face ) if faces.empty? puts " +-- No faces in group!" else for f in faces if f.classify_point(center) == Sketchup;;Face;;PointInside then face = f end end end }
It works - it finds right face, but after, when I execute code from here http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=19556, the result is, that the block disappear and stay just a circle edge.
When I add group.explode at the end of block for making rectangles and cylinders works fine this:
entities.each { |entity| # Get all entities if entity.typename == "Face" then # Get all faces from entities result = entity.classify_point(center) if result == Sketchup;;Face;;PointInside then # Get our face face = entity end end }
If I think properly, gourp.explore deletes that group, but I need it for use in intersect_with.
So, is this process right: delete that group via group.explode (for making drills) and before making notch, create new group of block and temporary cylinder?I learn from this https://www.sketchup.com/intl/en/developer/docs/ and forum.
baseGroup = nil Sketchup.active_model.entities.each{|g| next unless g.is_a?(Sketchup;;Group) g.entities.each{|f| next unless f.is_a?(Sketchup;;Face) next if f.classify_point(notchPoint) == Sketchup;;Face;;PointInside baseGroup = g } } baseTrans = baseGroup.transformation cutGroup=entities.add_group cutGroupEntities=cutGroup.entities dir = Geom;;Vector3d.new(-1,0,0) cutCircle = cutGroupEntities.add_circle(notchPoint, dir, cylinderRadius[0]) cutFace = cutGroupEntities.add_face cutCircle cutNormal = cutFace.normal cutFace.reverse! cutFace.pushpull cylinderHeight[0] cutTrans = cutGroup.transformation cutGroupEntities.intersect_with(false, cutTrans, baseGroup, baseTrans , true, baseGroup) cutGroup.explode
In baseGroup variable I need to find a group where I'll do a notch - and yeah, it does not work at well (now I have just 1 block, so just 1 group, but later I'll have a lot of blocks/groups).
Then I do a temporary cylinders and trying execute intersect_with, but I'm not sure if is it correct. Can you help me?Thanks a lot.
RE: How to cut from object
Ou, sorry about that.
Tig, you are right, now I'm using Sketchup 2016, just a trial version, but soon I'll use Sketchup 8, is it still possible?
For better imagination, for Ex. I've thisand I need sth like this
of course without edges.
So, now I have a object and position(center) of "imagination" drill - there's no face, but the drill will do "notch".
Can you help me?
Maybe write a example code or a little tutorial how to do it and I'll try it myself.Thanks very much.
.. sorry for my english
Edit: I just installed SU8 and I'm not sure, but is it possible there? It looks very different, not so much in design but in functions that I can use.
How to cut from object
Hi, I'm new in Ruby and sketch, so I learnt to do a couple of simple objects (blocks, cylinders), then I tried do a drill - it works, but I do not know how do a cut.
I can do a hole - drill if the center is in the object, but I have no idea, how do a cut, when the center is out of the object. I know just x y z position, radius and depth of the drill.Thanks for any help.