The ITC (IntellicAD Technology Consortium) was Open Source when it was first formed. They gave away the software for free and you could compile it and use it. The idea was co-operative development but the only people who co-operated were the Developers the ITC paid. So a decision was made to make it "quasi open source" (thats the words the Chairman at the time used, I swear) whereby only the members who paid could play. Even with that impediment the ITC is a unique organization with one goal in mind, Software Development. Where Autodesk spends your hard earned money on lawsuits against competitors, executive salaries, and mass amounts of marketing, the ITC does no marketing, has volunteer officers, and the only reason they have a legal budget is to protect their trademarks. I am very familar with the non-profit, I was the sole employee for several years at the early part of the millenium.
I have to say it is nice reading positive things about progeCAD IntelliCAD. I have been representing it now ever since I left the ITC and have been very pleased with its usage. There was a time in the not so distant past that those who tried IntelliCAD came away with a metallic taste in their mouths due to the poor experience. The folks at the ITC have worked extremely hard to rid itself of the poor performance and reliability while trying to overcome users perception of those first couple of years. I think it is paying off.
"And just a note to Jon above: the crosshairs are editable but cant find how to resize the pickbox...which is annoying but am getting used to the smallish box."
How would you set the pickbox size in AutoCAD assuming you did not have a dialog box? I was trained to use AutoCAD on version 1.03 so I learned to use it with the keyboard. If you asked me how to find something on those little pictures up and the top I wouldn't know where I was but perhaps that, and the programming I did for years inside AutoCAD allows me to know you can type setvar at the command line. Tell progeCAD "pickbox" as the variable to set, then set the size you want!
"ProgeCAD Smart does not support 3d surfaces or solids so it is probably fairer to say that it is equivalent to AutoCAD LT."
But the big brother of progeCAD Smart! does. progeCAD Professional is less than $400 USD and if you are a student, your teacher, professor, the school can get progeCAD Professional free to all your computer labs and the students can have a copy at home, for free. We have supplied over 300 schools since the program has been active including large universities to junior high schools. Have your teacher go here: and request Free for Schools...
While some of the IntelliCAD members have use Wine to run the software on Linux, we have have taken a different direction. We saw that virtualization is a way to have your cake and eat it too. We have run progeCAD on both the Mac ( and on Linux ( using virtual machines and quite frankly it isn't much different than a PC running progeCAD standalone with Windows, except you are right on the Mac or Linux desktop and have access to all those OS capabilities and applications.
One of the things that isnt quite there yet for the iCAD crowd is the third party market. Of course AutoCAD doesnt really have one either since they either bought out or crushed the independent developers so they could move into their markets. Does anyone remember what it used to be like with the 100s of developers creating applications to run on AutoCAD. Now those were the days. We have a few progeCAD add-ons such as an [url=]Architectural app[/url:3hdzp994] and a [url=]Civil Survey (cogo, dtm, road design)[/url:3hdzp994] package. We will be adding a CAM add-on soon and are on the lookout for other products which run under progeCAD. If anyone sees any send a shout out!
"There is a nifty little program that helped us out in getting rid of the tag but a headache all the same"
Shame Shame. I hope you donated to the charity progeSOFT requested when you downloaded and install progeCAD Smart!. They dont require it but I suppose if you are going to reverse engineer the drawings to remove the watermark you should at least help out the cause.
I like the idea that progeCAD Smart! is Charityware, if you download and use it they ask that you donate to a worthly cause. A great company, great software, and a great price.