Units changed from metres to feet
could someone help me please. i always use metres as units, but somehow they suddenly changed to feet/inches - when i look in preferences it still says 'metres' - no matter what i do i cannot change it back. i tried different units, but that had no effect. i use sketchup free 6.
koosie -
Hi Koosie,
You should be able to set metric units under Window > Preferences > Templates. Note however that you need to open a new file for it to take effect (i.e. start using the newly set template).
You can also change units in Window > Model info > Units (and maybe do a whole lot of other changes in your file like styles etc) and save the model as a custom template in the SketchUp\Resources\en-US\Templates (the en-US is for the English version I guess).
thanks, gaieus, i did not know about changing it other than in 'preferences' - still surprised how it happened as i did not change anything - well, problem is solved anyway, must be a computer thing