What activities do you do?
What kind of physical activities do you participate in to keep fit?
Back in my slimmer days I played racquetball 4x + a week. I played briefly for the University of Tennessee as well.
Now I just walk when I can, play racquetball on a very limited basis and play Disc Golf every now and then. -
I'm making it a point to get outside and work in the yard more. Also, when I go to a site to lay out the plants for the landscape crews I now grab a shovel and help them plant. It confused the heck out of them at first, but now they're cool.
The wife & I also bought pedometers and we're trying to increase our daily step count.
I've tried several gyms, but I guess I'm just not disciplined enough to get into the habit. Anyway, I find the experience really boring...not to mention the extra waste of time in getting changed, strutting your stuff, getting a shower then getting changed again...it all adds up to something quite substantial.
I've fallen back on the old-as-the-hills idea of the 'morning constitutional' I get up and go for a 2-3 mile fast walk. Not the hip/arm swinging type...just walking in what you might call a determined manner for about 30-40 minutes. It's something that you can do without raising too much of a sweat, so no need for all the other stuff...if I can't manage it first thing, then I do it mid-morning or whatever, then straight back to work. There's a history of arthritis in the family; so far I've been lucky but I don't want to tempt fate by doing anything involving impact...that's why I've always swum and cycled, not jogged.
Anyhow, I've been doing this pretty much every single day for a couple of months now, coupled with my own diet of no carbs before 6.00 pm. I usually just have a banana for breakfast, with a cup of coffee and something like a light salad and yoghurt for lunch. This means that in the evening I can eat/drink pretty much what I like...so no need for sanctimonious "No thanks, I'm on a diet." when I'm out with friends.
I had been watching the calories anyway, but despite that, seemed to be stubbornly stuck around 210 lb. With the walking, I'm losing a steady 2 lb a week. Not as dramatic as Ross, but it's something that is infinitely sustainable....and I still get to drink beer.
Coen, we need more smileys
nice topic. it allows one to know what people do besides SU.
as for myself, in an ideal week I work out 3 days and run 40 minutes another 3 days, resting on the 7th as the bible tells us to do. it not always works that way, as rain, workload, or an occasional trip get in the way. I enjoy doing it as it keeps me in shape for all the sitting hours at the computer but am not a fanatic for it. if I can do it, great; if not, is ok too.
have fun.
as a 20 year old with an incredibly fast metabolism I find it hard to lose or gain weight.
I bike to work during the summer, (Im going to start riding in the winter too) Each way its around 11.5 KM so thats a pretty good hours worth of riding every day. I also make sure that I drink plenty of beer and rum, for no other reason than college parties! I am like alan, in that I can't go to gyms for many reasons, mostly because its so boring.I've really found that biking is the best sport that I can do to get in shape.
Well, during a good week, I try to work out at the gym 3 days, play disc golf 2 or 3 times, golf 2 or 3 rounds (though I don't know if you'd call what I do golf
), Ski 35-40 days a season during the winter, mountain bike once in a while, sea kayak once in a while, and I guess that is about it
I don't have a gym membership, I have a wood stove and a wooded lot. Keeps the back strong, the stress down, and the house nice and toasty. I also have a gorgeous mountain bike that used to take up most of my free time but is currently saddled with a kid's seat. The bike rides aren't nearly as long or intense anymore but it's the best way to keep the kids involved with whatever I do and he loves bombing thru the woods with me.
I've never been much of an athlete but we (the marital "we") played tennis almost every day until we adopted our daughter in April. Until she's old enough to play with us, or at least not run out into traffic while we're at the court, we'll have to give it up
In the meantime I've set a new strength goal for myself: 50 one-arm pushups. So far I'm up to almost one.
@phil meadows said:
In the meantime I've set a new strength goal for myself: 50 one-arm pushups. So far I'm up to almost one.
Man you are double what I can do. Must practice more.
Well I tell you what, I got my exercise last night. My daughter had her 7th birthday party at a place called Jump Zone. It is a large metal building with inflatables inside. you know, the big superman where you climb to the top and slide down. The obstacle courses that you walk through, all inflated. Man she had me going on everything. I got a good workout.
You guys are going to think this is nuts, but I work out everyday. In the morning I will do 100+ ab exercises (usually crunches, then leg raises), then I'll do 100+ pushups (I do 10 with my feet on the floor, then 10 on the first step, then the next 10 on the second step, until I get to the fifth step where I do 50). Then I have this heavy duty rubber band and I'll do a few dozen straight arm shoulder lifts (front, side and back). Then I'll do tricep pull downs on the door with the rubber band. Then I do waist twisting, leg twisting and a number of Kung Fu arm and leg exercises, including Qi Gong breathing.
Then at lunch every day I go the top of the garage behind Google and I do Kung Fu and Qi Gong exercises for 15 - 30 minutes. I will usually do arm circles and punch/kick combos. Then I will do dozens of knuckle pushups on the cement using the wall or stairs as an incline. Then (you'll love this!), I punch and kick the cement walls. I showed this Tricia, the Quality Assurance Test Lead on SU and she actually screamed "SHIT!!!" when I started hitting the wall! ..she asked to see me do it! It's part of Iron Palm/Fist training.
On weekends I have a heavy bag that I will do dozens and dozens of kicks, and the punches on. I will also spend time with my training Nunchakus to keep my wrists and forearms strong.
I also do a full set of isometrics and plyometric exercises for strength and explosiveness.
Here's something you'll like...back when I was in high school in New York, I used to street fight on a regular basis...there was an area we would go to in China Town and it was like a fight club. The hispanic kids could really box, so I would go there and fight to keep my training strong. Never lost, so I guess it was pretty good!
I was also a Chinese Kenpo Martial Arts instructor for two years, during that time. Then in college I used to fight with a Thai kickboxer and also a semi-pro PKA ring kickboxer named Travis. We would fight twice a week in the gym on the basketball courts...needless to say, the games usually stopped while we fought!
Fighting, or sparring, for those who've never done it is an intensely rigorous exercise. One with instant feedback of whether you're in shape or not!
If you really want to try something that gets the blood moving and is very interesting, try fencing. I used to compete in French Foil, for only a year when a buddy convinced me to try it. By the end of my first year I was ranked 5th in all of New York City and State! (I actually should have won the championship outright but things went wrong between me and the French judge during the finals of the championship and I ended up ranked fifth and she ended up with my sandwich in her face! ..it's an interesting story!)
Everybody's gotta have hobbies, right?!
- CraigD
I'm getting sore just by reading all of this. LOL
@rons said:
I'm getting sore just by reading all of this. LOL
LOL! My dog goes nuts when I go my exercises...she runs over with her tail wagging so hard that her butt goes side to side! She thinks I'm puppy play mode when I do the pushups so she comes over and starts licking my face like mad! I usually start cracking up and have to wait for my wife to split with the pups to finish!
Gotta love dogs!
- CraigD
Craig, I used to fence EPE. Great sport but not much of a "market" here in Huntsville. There is a club but it is not very big.
Haven't done any sports for more than 7 years, but recently (half a year ago) I picked up smoking again and I realised I have no condition left anymore litteraly NONE what so ever, though my body doesns't show it in any way what so ever, I even got a six pack
and im not on the healthiest diet know to man, I wake up with spaghetti left overs from time to time or a pizza left over from yesterday which I put in the fridge. And dinner usually consists out of pizza or some lazy microwave meal or something a roommate whiped up in a minute or so. Gotta love beeing young and a student. But my condition was so insanly bad that I picked up wall climbing again, a really good sport if you ask me. I even picked up training again. Mostly for my arms and torso, lifting a weight of 7 kilo or so 100 times with both arms and then take a 2 minute brake doing sit ups and then the lifting again, repeat this 4 times and Im beat, but it's done in 30 min and I see the difference in my climbing.
Craig - were you hired by Google as an 'enforcer'?
It probably is a good way to keep office meetings focused --- have a hired gun like you in the corner ready to kick, say, Jody's head in if he strays off-topic. One or two good round-house kicks and soon all office meetings will remain focused. I imagine your showing Tricia how you like to spend your lunch break, kicking & punching concrete walls, has had an effective trickle-down intimidation effect as word spread throughout the office. I'll bet the office supplies won't go missing anytime soon.
Regards, Ross
back to the topic...
winter: skiing
summer: windsurfing, bicycling
all year: badminton, some swimmingI wish I could do the first 2 more often, but they are very much dependant on weather. And since I really hate gyms, often I do just nothing
@marek badzynski said:
back to the topic...
winter: skiing
summer: windsurfing, bicycling
all year: badminton, some swimmingI wish I could do the first 2 more often, but they are very much dependant on weather. And since I really hate gyms, often I do just nothing
Badninton, oh my gosh! When I played racquetball for the University of Tennessee we used to go outside and play paddleball on a 3 wall court and also badminton. I got more of a workout playing badminton than all three. We would all try playing with our "other" hand as well. I.E. I am right handed so I would play left.
I have another question along this same topic so I won't add a new one.
What kind of eating schedule is best for an exercise routine? Meaning, do you eat a certain type of food a certain time before a workout? Do you eat certain things at a certain time after working out?
I have heard, not remembering where, that to optimize your workout that what you eat when makes a big difference.
@unknownuser said:
...I can't quite describe it, but I can say that I miss it. I have been thinking for a while now to get back into it, but I keep postponing it.
We can whip you around here, Coen, if that's what you wish for...