Friggin spambots found me within 2 days...
No, it's not necessarily have been from here - as I said, I registered with the same email address from the other two places as well - and though they have some "security" arrangements, too, nothing is ever sure (in addition, here our email adresses are not displayed on public pages at all).
coen did you use your email on the dutch ?
two days ago I posted in the google group acad.... for my first ever post, Today, my very clean email box that has never recieved junk mail, had 2 spams in it. If You ever post to google, make sure you code your email addy in the google group settings, I couldnt figure out how to do it before I made my post. makes me mad as......
Gai! your a google expert, how do you get your email off your profile? I am not going back, but I just looked at my profile and I've been "checked out' 6 times Thanks
@rhankc said:
Gai! your a google expert, how do you get your email off your profile? I am not going back, but I just looked at my profile and I've been "checked out' 6 times Thanks
Normally it is not (or should not be) easy for a spambot because your email is not revealed in Google. When you click on someone's profile there, you can just see an "abbreviated" email address which is not linked directly to the address itself (like with the "mailto" tag) but to another page where you have to enter those security letters/numbers from an image that we all know from other sites, too. Only then you get to the email address and can send a message.
However nothing seems to be sure nowadays. I practically only use this email address of mine here, in the "Graveyard Forum" and in the Groups and have already received spams. Good that I have a quite effective spam filter!
I spent some time looking for a way to change the displayed addy, and saw google posts that said no change is possible, and found directions to change it that didnt work. The main reason I ask is I saw a selection on my screen, in the user setting....somewhere that was for changing email addys, Most of the addys that have omitted ends are not too hard to figure out. Strange thing was one of the thread posters sent a reply directly to my email!
I also get some emails where people ask for some help. I don't know why they prefer this "private" way but cannot help. I mean I could (and did) help them...
To prevent spam most pro fora and such (mostly computer fora like and such) convery your email adress to an image, that way html spiders can't find it. I recommend doing the same here Coen. What also is done often is making sure that the email adress with which you register is one that is registered to a university or a provider in stead of a free provider. Keeps the spam down.
Rob, as I believe email adresses are not displayed here at all (except for the admin - but not even for the moderators)
@unknownuser said:
On the Dutch?
YEs I mean on the dutch forum, when i signed in there
i just got trouble with spam and had it never before -
@alexander said:
@unknownuser said:
On the Dutch?
YEs I mean on the dutch forum, when i signed in there
i just got trouble with spam and had it never beforeIf you mean the posh forum, I signed up there with a different address and nothing has come of it.. I think it is goofle groups. I set up a new addy for google groups, we'll see what happens.
I wonder if the old SU forum membership lists are safe?....Maybe I'll unsubscribe at the old forum.
I have further development about the Ggroups display of addys. If you sign in to the message groups, you see an incomplete address at the message header. If you subscribe to the message groups, where it sends you an email either one a day or each time a post is made, the emails are shown in full at each header.
like this:== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2007 2:44 am
From: ghdvoice@yahoo.comOn 29 mai, 04:30, wrote:
so, here it is neither image, nor hidden.