Sketchup waybe
Well if anyone has a Youtube account you can send him a message and just ask.
@unknownuser said:
Well if anyone has a Youtube account you can send him a message and just ask.
I did a few days ago. No reply yet.
Thanks Jim. I sincerely hope you get a reply. That thing is cool. Having a child I can see tons of possibilities My wife being a teacher... even more so.
I'm a member of YouTube. I sent a message to his e-mail. If I hear from him, I'll let you all know.
I sent him a PM and here is the link:
In the site says that the launch of Waybe is expected for June 1st, 2008...
But now is looking for beta testers for feedback... Look here:
Daniel S
Daniel, you beat me to it. Yep, it's
The Waybe plugin is real (not a magician's trick) and we are just about to enter the beta testing phase of the project. We have tried to keep it low profile while developing it and apologize for not being very responsive to inquiries. Hopefully version 1 will be ready in June. Please email me at ruski.canuk[at] if you are interested in other details.
Hi and thanks for droppingt by and letting us know. It does seem to be an extremely exciting tool and there are a lot of people who would definitely be interested.
do you think anyone would go through all that effort to make hoax videos? perhaps there is a good reason for not making the plugin available yet. i would say wait a little before jumping to conclusions.
I'm not making conclusions - just telling that is seemsto be exciting.
@gaieus said:
I'm not making conclusions - just telling that is seemsto be exciting.
not you, csaba. i was referring to ken. ruski's post confirmed what i thought.
I got a comment today on my blog from waybe...
@unknownuser said:
We're getting ready to do a beta release of Waybe. Check it out at
Thanks Jim!
(I guess you have also applied )
Er, blubb,
You apparently need to be an approved beta-tester to use that download. The download will install the plugin, but won't initialize in SketchUp, unless you enter an approved ID (name) and key (password.)
I applied for beta-testing many weeks ago, but apparently wasn't approved, as I never received a response.
taff, if you just click ok without putting in any info it seems to work, although i didnt get the icons showing up in the toolbar properly and i got lots of 'ruby console' things in my windows menu, not sur if this is just a bug in the script/program though.
@remus said:
i didnt get the icons showing up in the toolbar
View ---> Toolbars ---> WaybeAnd remus is right- there´s no PW needed.
Here´s a screenshot from a unfolded cylinder with the Waybe icons:But the "auto-unfold" command replies with an error-message...
The toolbar is there, its just the icons within the toolbar are blank, im nto too worried though, im sure i'll manage without it.
Thanks, guys, I'll give it another try...
beta of Waybe-plugin is available on Waybe Website:
It creates a lax at every side of the surfaces- nice for papercraft glueing, not useful for my sheetmetal work, for this I prefer Jims GREAT unfold.rb
Have fun
btw@Gaieus: nice looking board here
Hi blubb,
Thanks for the heads-up! Is this a newer beta release (the first one I could never get to work). Or actually, I'll drop in to your beta forum anyway.