Three Hundred
Well, didn't quite make it yesterday, but it's certainly on the cards for today.
Fri 12:30 GMT and we're at 298!!
moments away from 300... at 299 ATM.
@shaun tennant said:
then you have an hour and 15 min to get 16 people over here and signed up. I'll give you some help - post a sign that says Free Beer or Hot ladys!
That's how we got Chuck (Kannon)
It's amazing how I react to those two things. I am weak, very weak
well, we're at 302 ATM, missed the #300 (SPARTAAAA!)
registration. Cheers to the getting to 400, soon no doubt.
Big cheers to Hutton!
i see many time's by user google[bot] what's that ?
some monitoring from google ?
that´s 3hundred and twenty two.
thanks for the place Cohen
salud everyone -
@alexander said:
i see many time's by user google[bot] what's that ?
some monitoring from google ?
Alexander, that {bot} part you see is exactly what it says, it's a "bot" that monitors the site so that information from here might be included in searches done on Google. It's a give-and-take relantionship. The forum gets more visitors and Google has a more efficient search engine. Don't ask if money changes hands, Coen will have the low-down on that.
The only problem tha he (She? it?) hasn't created a profile so we cannot even send him (her? it?) a private message!