thanks so much! awesome work!
WOW!!!! Amazing work!
Шикарная вещь! Видно руку мастера... -
@unknownuser said:
Great instrument, great model
I have a fender precission bass guitar, which I used to play in a band I was in....many years ago! Anyway thats another story
Luv ur work man -
@unknownuser said:
I have a fender precision bass guitar, which I used to play in a band I was in....many years ago! Anyway thats another story
Luv ur work man...Thanks James, I was engaged in it too ...
.... more details about Paul's violin bass guitars (if it is interestin... )
http://www.geocities.com/joelcrowservo/HofnerBass.html -
Thank you just doesn't seem enough for you talent...
...HOFNER VIOLIN BASS GITAR 500/1(1963 year) the BEATLES brand of all times,the "classic"gitar design, the style that everyone knows...enjoy it!
Unbelievable work!
You're either a genius or a genie.
I haven't decided -
@gidon yuval said:
Unbelievable work!
You're either a genius or a genie.
I haven't decided...Thanks Gdion. I think that you exaggerate value of my works...
Simply I very much love texturing...
I consider that it still is poorly investigated in SU-live...It is a powerful resource... All this already understand...
Beautiful models, I always look forward to your new posts and thanks for sharing so many.
Bread and salt Urgen. (But I don't see any salt.) You keep on amazing me.
Thanks all once again!
...I saw this topic.....
Octavian has told, that it will be possible in SU-7... Let's while use would like it... In SU-5 and SU-6
Some remarks and cautions:
1.... It not a script.
2.work not on all computers (only new)
3.start video (avi) what you wish to see in SKP together with SKP (simultaneously!)
4.made in photoshop only.
..PS:take PNG and GIF.work from video too!
Really beautiful cup Urgen
The foam looks real
...Thanks Markus! It is pleasant to hear it from which person you consider as one of teachers...
...guys You see something under a cup?... Or it know all? -
No matter what and how i opne, unpack or anything - no video. Sorry Urgen!
...It is very a pity...
I now work in SU and simultaneously I look film (too in SU)
Dear Urgen,
I saw the attached and thought of you and your modelling skills. Can you model the shaker picnic hamper from the .jpg image or do you start with something else. If you can use the image then it would be nice to see - by way of a step-by-step tutorial - how you make such photo-realistic models.
Kind regards,