TubeAlongPath.rb and Square Ducts - Request (Attn: TIG)
See attached.
If you have time could you please modify your TubeAlongPath.rb Script
(So its as slick as your PipeAlongPath.rb)
Alternatively could you please create a new DuctAlongPath.rb = PipeAlongPath.rb for Square / Rectangular Sections
ie a Script that Creates Square Ducts (Tubes) along Centre Lines
Limitations and Workarounds with Current Methods / Scripts Explained in attached *.skp
It would be great to have this feature on a R mouse click also.
Anything you can do would be hugely appreciated
Howard Leslie -
@unknownuser said:
See attached.
If you have time could you please modify your TubeAlongPath.rb Script
(So its as slick as your PipeAlongPath.rb)
Alternatively could you please create a new DuctAlongPath.rb = PipeAlongPath.rb for Square / Rectangular Sections
ie a Script that Creates Square Ducts (Tubes) along Centre Lines
Limitations and Workarounds with Current Methods / Scripts Explained in attached *.skp
It would be great to have this feature on a R mouse click also.
Anything you can do would be hugely appreciated
Howard LeslieYou need the first one in this series - ExtrudeAlongPath.rb - it extrudes a rectangular face along a preselected path. You can input its height and width [so a square duct is easy] and its alignment - either along the edge(s), centred on base, centred on the side or along centroid [the one you want]. With edges alignment etc you can also choose right/left alignment. You can also determine which end of the path the extrusion starts from, since 3D paths can produce different extrusions depending where the follow-me path starts...
It should be downloadable from the same sources as PipeAlongPath.rb etc...
Thanks for pointing me in the direction of yet another of your fantastic scripts (ExtrudeAlongPath.rb)
Works perfectly.
I've never seen this one before.
Thanks once again
Howard Leslie