BeizerSpline - Latest version (obsolete)
Very nice, thank you.
Thank you for the toolbar. A piece of work like this deserves some pictorial button real estate in the menu area.
Thank you for this wonderful script, Fredo. It's great. Would be amzing if the function of this script would be combined with that of weld.rb and skin.rb into one single script in order to improve the modelling capabilities of sketchup.
thanks again and go head with your work -
This is really a great script you've done, thanks for sharingI have always dreamed of a polyline tool that works in SU like it does in ACAD... in ACAD the polyline is forced to stay in the plane of the axis you are using... there is a 3DPolyline tool in ACAD that works very much like the one you've provided w/ your bezier curve tool.
So one tiny request (hopefully tiny) is there a way you could, after selecting the first point for the polyline tool, one could right-click and choose 'lock Z axis' and in this way it would draw all other points forcing them to match the exact elevation of the initial point? (This would be very handy for 'tracing' in plan view over the top of difficult geometry that one cannot seem to close/create a face from no matter what one does.)
@fletch said:
This is really a great script you've done, thanks for sharingI have always dreamed of a polyline tool that works in SU like it does in ACAD... in ACAD the polyline is forced to stay in the plane of the axis you are using... there is a 3DPolyline tool in ACAD that works very much like the one you've provided w/ your bezier curve tool.
So one tiny request (hopefully tiny) is there a way you could, after selecting the first point for the polyline tool, one could right-click and choose 'lock Z axis' and in this way it would draw all other points forcing them to match the exact elevation of the initial point? (This would be very handy for 'tracing' in plan view over the top of difficult geometry that one cannot seem to close/create a face from no matter what one does.)
I also do some tracing over PDF documents/drawings that I have turned into jpg’s. After scaling I put a rectangle face group aligned at the axis I want over the drawing, make the material, usually the color yellow, almost transparent and do the trace on the face, never wondering off into space.
@fletch said:
So one tiny request (hopefully tiny) is there a way you could, after selecting the first point for the polyline tool, one could right-click and choose 'lock Z axis' and in this way it would draw all other points forcing them to match the exact elevation of the initial point? (This would be very handy for 'tracing' in plan view over the top of difficult geometry that one cannot seem to close/create a face from no matter what one does.)
The option exists actually. When you draw a curve the default behavior is to force all points on the plane defined by the first 3 points (cursor is a black square). However, if you press the Up Arrow (i.e. blue axis), the points of the curve will be forced on the horizontal plane defined by the first point (cursor is a blue square). This works as well for the 2 other axis planes.
well... hmm..
I was all excited and tried it... but what happens is when I select a point that is above the z plane I'm working on, it seems to align with it, but really it draws it off in the distance. (i'm not drawing in plan view, but in 3D) now it may work ok if I'm looking in pure plan view... but it doesn't work the way I was hoping.nevertheless, it's a beautiful thing, I don't want to pester you about it. I was just curious if we could finally have a Pline tool like ACAD's.
Is it possoble to connect two Cubic BeizerSplines ?
@jorgensen said:
Is it possoble to connect two Cubic BeizerSplines ?
Not really. But this is a good idea.
Would be a nice feature
And an method to add controlpoints at specific places
(don't think it's possible right now ?)
ups - doubleclick - sorryIs it possible to enter a value for the distance to move a controlpoint ?
Or even better - make it possible to click on a point and be able to enter it's z-axe value.Btw - this is a fantastic tool when creating paths for animations