Number of users
Hi, I need to know how many users as sketchup and /or the warehouse, or how many peole visit them, Can somebody helpme?
why would you want to know that?
That is a really odd request. I am curious too as to why you want to know
I once read a thread in the "Old Forums" where someone was asking "how many SU Pro licenses has been purchased" but got no answer due to company secret issues.
Now as SU Free is almost identical to the Pro and can be downloaded without registering (which you cannot do with SU Pro) only God knows how many users there are in the world.Well, the warehouse could be easier - there must be a database but then it may be the same case as with users registering to forums and never getting back.
So you could get a number of the downloads and a number of the registered WH users but those numbers would not be trustworthy at all.
I myself have downloaded SU at least 10 times and still am just one user.
Plus what if one downloaded but never really used?Finally I really doubt Google will ever share this info with any 3rd party...
I think that this is the oddest request that I have seen to date. In this forum nothing is impossible, but if you read through the posts you will notice that sometimes, in order to answer a question, a little bit more information is required.
In order to be able to meet your request we need to know:- Why do you NEED to know?
- Why have you left your profile blank?
Other members of the forum may need other information in order to meet your requirements.
Such as:
a/ What is your annual income after tax?
b/ What is your bank account number?
c/ What are your credit card details?
I'm sure that after you have given the above information the information you require will be given due thought and deliberation and answered to the best of our humble, and almost limitless, knowledge.
Welcome to the forum and you will find that questions relating to the use of SketchUp and associated programs will always get a more sensible and useful reply. You are amongst the best here and everyone is on a level footing.
Cheers and Beers,
Bill (and all those very curious), look at here .
It's not an odd question, I think it's just an informal market survey. He didn't ask for any personal information, only how many people use SketchUp and/or the 3D Warehouse. I don't see the harm in it.
The Google SketchUp Groups have some vague stats: forums have just passed 2000 registered users with 26,000 posts.
When I stopped counting (a year ago), the 3D Warehouse was getting 100 new models per day.
Go to and look up the SketchUp homepage for number of visitors to the page.
Thanks Gai, :egrin: that satisfied a little of my curiosity, but back to the original question I, and others here are not sure about why the gentleman needs to know. There is one hell of a difference between curiosity and needing to know. Now Antonio is conspictuos by his absence when we need him most to settle our curiosity. I do hope that 6911 tag is pure coincidence and nothing to do with American history!
Cheers and Beers,
Bill. -
Oops - I didn't even notice that...
@bill wilson said:
I think that this is the oddest request that I have seen to date. In this forum nothing is impossible, but if you read through the posts you will notice that sometimes, in order to answer a question, a little bit more information is required.
In order to be able to meet your request we need to know:- Why do you NEED to know?
- Why have you left your profile blank?
Other members of the forum may need other information in order to meet your requirements.
Such as:
a/ What is your annual income after tax?
b/ What is your bank account number?
c/ What are your credit card details?
I get the first 2 but a b and c??? Why the hell would you ever want to release that data on the net? I mean that data is for me and me alone unless I want to buy something with a recognised firm.
i think Bill was bein a bit cynical... -
@bill wilson said:
Thanks Gai, :egrin: that satisfied a little of my curiosity, but back to the original question I, and others here are not sure about why the gentleman needs to know. There is one hell of a difference between curiosity and needing to know. Now Antonio is conspictuos by his absence when we need him most to settle our curiosity. I do hope that 6911 tag is pure coincidence and nothing to do with American history!
Cheers and Beers,
Bill.I Bill and all friends, sorry by my absence, my way to ask, my bad english and because have not filled all my info, I will do it as soon as posible.
Let me try to explain why I´m asking this. I´m tring to do businnes on Mexico ofering modeling services of construction products that doesn´t have presence on line, this way I will upload them to make their products, they will have precense on a new and worldwide "window", and the designers, architects and anyone can have more components to use. So I want to know that info to convence them that this tool as "x" number of users (and growing) and all the benefits sketchup has.Hope this can explain and clarify my questions, and if not, my e mail , be sure I can answer any other thing you want, I don´t try to hide anything, oh, and 6911 is part of my birthday.
@jim said:
It's not an odd question, I think it's just an informal market survey. He didn't ask for any personal information, only how many people use SketchUp and/or the 3D Warehouse. I don't see the harm in it.
The Google SketchUp Groups have some vague stats: forums have just passed 2000 registered users with 26,000 posts.
When I stopped counting (a year ago), the 3D Warehouse was getting 100 new models per day.
Go to and look up the SketchUp homepage for number of visitors to the page.
Thanks Jim, that help.
OK Antonio,
Have a look at the Kerkythea site where they are running a poll about 3D programs:
Far the most favourite application is SU. -
Thank you Antonio, you have explained yourself very well indeed and I do hope that you didn't take offence at my little bit of 'leg pulling' Once again welcome and I wish you every success in your business venture.
Cheers and lotsa Beers,
Bill. -
@gaieus said:
OK Antonio,
Have a look at the Kerkythea site where they are running a poll about 3D programs:
Far the most favourite application is SU.Thanks Gai...
@bill wilson said:
Thank you Antonio, you have explained yourself very well indeed and I do hope that you didn't take offence at my little bit of 'leg pulling' Once again welcome and I wish you every success in your business venture.
Cheers and lotsa Beers,
Bill.Thanks Bill, don´t worry.
Hello Antonio -
Thank you for your explanation. I would be happy to help you. Let me speak with some folks and get back to you.
Please check back often, and also check your Private Message inbox, as this is where I may talk to you next.
- CraigD
Hey Craig - don't you think we aren't interested as well?
Hi Antonio -
One idea is to approach Resorts, or historic building associations in your area. You could show them 3D cities in Google Earth, such as Las Vegas, Nevada, or Boulder, Colorado. There would certainly be value in having tourists be able to see 3D versions of the resorts or historic buildings when making travel plans.
There are many buildings on the 3D Warehouse to demonstrate the popularity of the system, and a growing number of cities containing good 3D models in Google Earth. I think showing folks these two technologies together would be a compelling story.
I hope this idea helps you and others looking to offer services along these lines.
- CraigD