Unfolding and folding a cylinder
Hello everyone, I must say firstly that I have loved sketchup ever since I was introduced to it. Since then I have been browsing this forum forum and I must agree with the many others that this is a great place and the even greater minds and the work I have seen here by everyone is truly inspiring.
Ok, I have a query realy and I hope sombody could assist. I work as an Urban Designer for the CIty of Durban, South Africa. I am currently designing an elaborate light fixture. I need to know how to unfold a cylinder, create some trianagular holes on the unfolded result, and fold the rectangular back into a cylinder!! Please help.
Mohammad Bilal HaqP: haqbilal
Hi James,
Thanks for the quick response. I have tried that method but that would take a very long time as the cylinder would need a number of these triangular bits for the perforation. Any suggestions?
M.B. Haq
P: haqbilal
Thanks GUYS!!!
I am going to try these methods and see how they turn out!!
Great help you guys.
P: haqbilal