What is wrong with this script?
I got inspired by a thread here about shadow threshold and thought I'd try it, but I get an error: #<ArgumentError: comparison of Float with Array failed>
What am I doing wrong?# Name ; JS Shadow Threshold # Description ; Sets cast shadow with a threshold # Author ; Jan Sandstrom (http://www.pixero.com) # Date ; 12 Aug 2007 require 'sketchup.rb' def jsShadowThreshold model = Sketchup.active_model entities = model.active_entities ss = model.selection if ss.empty? UI.messagebox("Nothing selected!") return nil end # Dialog @thresh = 0.7 if not @thresh prompts = ["Shadow threshold; "] values = [@thresh] results = inputbox(prompts, values, "Shadow threshold") thresh = results @thresh = thresh ss.each {|e| next if not (e.is_a? Sketchup;;Face) #Ignore items in the selection that are not faces. alpha = e.material.alpha if (alpha < thresh) #Error; #<ArgumentError; comparison of Float with Array failed> e.cast_shadows= false else e.cast_shadows= true end #if } #end of ss.each end #jsShadowThreshold if( not file_loaded?("jsShadowThreshold.rb") ) UI.menu("Plugins").add_separator UI.menu("Plugins").add_item("JS Shadow Threshold") { jsShadowThreshold } end file_loaded("jsShadowThreshold.rb")
results, as returned from inputbox, is an array.
will work...
Thanks, but now another error has occured.
For the following line:alpha = e.material.alpha #Error; #<NoMethodError; undefined method `alpha' for nil;NilClass>
Sorry if it's elementary but I can't seem to get it right.
Thanks in advance.
/Jan -
e is most likely valid. When e does not have a material assigned, the .material method returns nil.
Ok, progressing veeery slowly....
When I assign a material to the faces I now get this:e.cast_shadows= false #Error; #<NoMethodError; undefined method `cast_shadows=' for #<Sketchup;;Face;0x7532bb0>>
If I remove the e in front of cast_shadows I don't get the error but nothing happens.
The doc is bad. Use .casts_shadows=.
To see the methods a entities allows, in the Ruby Console, enter (for example, with a face)
(face.methods - Object.methods).sort.join("\n")
Thanks that did it!
Now if only I can get it to work with grouped objects... -
Got it working! Thanks for the help. Read more here: